Bottom line: Investing in computer technology.
Computer technology should be viewed as an investment, not an expense. We use the word investment because the initial purchase price is only one factor to consider. A more useful approach is to evaluate the total cost of ownership: purchase price, installation, training, service and support, and future upgrades.
Clearly, finding the right computer technology solutions for your business requires careful planning. That’s why we strongly recommend that you establish a relationship with a value-added-reseller (VAR), like us. We can help you work through the multitude of product choices, technical specifications, and other complex issues that can make computer technology purchases so daunting.
Standardizing on solutions
We can work with you to standardize your office on the right technology — including computers and servers, software, and peripheral devices — and establish a standard process for training new users. We offer a full line of premium-quality, full-featured products that address the range of your needs. These products demonstrate technology leadership and offer complete compatibility with the latest industry standards — as well as the ability to work with the standards of tomorrow.
Our computers and peripheral devices work right out of the box, not only independently but also with your other computer devices and applications. Communications and networking capabilities are built in, or can be added easily. You can easily add new equipment and capabilities as your business evolves.
The products are also easy to use. This will reduce costs, streamline training, and ensure that you realize productivity gains as quickly as possible.
Many computer technology products are marketed on the basis of price alone. That’s a smart way to shop for groceries, but not computer technology. The real determinants should be lasting value, reliability, and a high return on your investment.
Korma’s products meet all these criteria, and more. For example, our PC products represent a safe investment. They are based on industry standards, and they use only standard industry parts. This ensures extensive compatibility today and a smooth upgrade path for tomorrow.
*Source: The Gartner Group, an independent industry consulting firm, estimates that the capital purchase represents only 15 percent of the total cost of ownership. Support is estimated at 56 percent, administration at 14 perc ent, and operations at 15 percent